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After your examination appointment with the dentist and a thorough assessment of your gums and bone supporting the teeth we will create a personalised hygiene plan which best suits your needs.


So whether you need a quick brighten up with a classic clean (scale and polish) or a more extensive treatment for active gum disease Ruth is here to help.

Dental Hygiene

At Halfway Dental Practice we realise the foundations to a beautiful, healthy and a happy smile are healthy gums. 


Our hygienist Ruth is dedicated to providing you with the correct tools and educating you on how you can prevent gum disease and dental decay.


If you already suffer from periodontal disease our team will create a personalised treatment plan which will aim to treat, stabilise your condition and stop its progression.


The most recent evidence shows a strong relationship between gum disease and many medical conditions such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, bacterial lung infections. We have known for a long time now, about the risk of premature birth and low birth weight in babies born to mothers who have active and untreated gum disease. However the recent studies show links to even more conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and certain bowel conditions.


Treating the gum disease therefore is not only beneficial to your dental health but has a huge impact on your general health and well-being.



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